The Sales Vitamin Podcast

The Coaching Effect - Sarah Wirth

John Bossong

Sales Coaching Effectiveness with Sarah Wirth - EcSell Institute

Sarah Wirth is the President of EcSell Institute, the world's first and only organization to measure and quantify sales leadership effectiveness.  She is considered one of the world's foremost authorities in metric-based sales performance coaching and growth. 

Her book, The Coaching Effect, coauthored by EcSell Institute CEO Bill Eckstrom, helps sales leaders at all levels understand the necessity of challenging people out of their comfort zone to create high-growth sales organizations.

Sarah has presented to executives from across the globe with organizations such as Mercedes Benz, Estee Lauder, Ritz Carlton, Cheesecake Factory and many more.  She is an expert on women in leadership and sales executive coaching. 

Here's what we discuss in this episode: 

  • Sarah's impressive background
  • Sales Leadership & Coaching
  • Her book: The Coaching Effect
  • Key sales struggles
  • What is "the coaching effect"
  • Key sales metrics
  • EcSell Institute Services
  • Sales resources
  • Accountability and ownership
  • The new sales professional
  • One sales vitamin

Connect with Sarah
Official Website
EcSell LinkedIn
EcSell Twitter
Sarah's Twitter

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