The Sales Vitamin Podcast
The Sales Vitamin Podcast
Julie Bartkus - Sales & Workplace Transformation
Julie Bartkus - Leading The Way In Workplace Transformation
On today's Sales Vitamin Podcast I'm speaking with Julie Bartkus. Julie is a leading authority on workplace transformation. Over the past 20 years she has helped leaders across the globe transform their workplace cultures.
She utilizes a holistic approach so that personal transformation comes before the team transformation. A key component of her teaching is the D.R.I.V.E Method used to help leaders attract the right staff to support their vision.
Julie doesn't provide a one-size-fits-all approach. Rather, she personalizes a program that works for each client.
Here's what we discuss in this episode:
- Julie's background
- Why organizations engage her services
- Attract, Hire, Retain & Motivate
- Personal Transformation
- Demotivators
- Vision and Sales
- The D.R.I.V.E. Method
- One sales vitamin
Connect with Julie
Official Website
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