The Sales Vitamin Podcast
The Sales Vitamin Podcast
Episode 62: Ross Rich - Accord
Today's guest on the Sales Vitamin Podcast is Ross Rich.
Ross is the founder and CEO of Accord, a customer collaboration platform moving B2B sales from vendorship to partnership.
Accord’s mission is to help businesses build better relationships with their customers through collaboration, engagement, and a repeatable sales process. Accord has recently closed a $6M seed round led by Stripe and backed by Y-Combinator.
Ross has had a great start to his entrepreneurial career and has amassed some great sales insights and practices. He previously worked for Stripe and Columbia Records where he honed his sales and sales collaboration skills.
Now, he and his co-founder are taking on the outdated B2B sales market with their new customer collaboration platform.
Accord is an online hub for B2B Salespeople and buyers to interact. Their goal is moving B2B sales from a vendor mentality to a partnership mentality and Ross's success is evident. They've created a B2B sales platform that incorporates collaboration, engagement and repeatability.
Here's what we discuss in this episode:
- The journey to Accord.
- The back of a napkin.
- Accord's platform and model.
- Why use accord to improve sales?
- Sales engagement and accountability.
- Understanding the buyer.
- Sales lessons learned at Stripe and Columbia Records.
- The best fit for Accord's services.
- Growth, Scalability and Sales Collaboration.
- Mutual plans and transparency.
- Virtually selling.
- Accord and CRM integration.
- Vendorship to Partnership.
- Sales books to read.
- One sales vitamin.
Connect with Ross Rich
Official Website
Accord LinkedIn
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